Saving more money is great, but bringing in more cash is even more important if you want to repay credit. Here are some fast and easy ways to bring in extra cash:
1. Take in your recyclables. If you live in a community where you pay a deposit on bottles and other recyclables, you can earn back some of your cash by bringing your recyclables to a plant.
2. Roll up coins. If you have piles of change everywhere, roll them up and take them to the bank. You could have a hundred dollars or more just lying around.
3. Sell the items you don’t like and don’t use. Are there movies in your house you don’t watch, furniture you don’t like, exercise equipment you don’t use? Get rid of that clutter through a garage sale or classified ad and enjoy a few hundred extra dollars today.
4. Sell a service. Could you teach someone English, help someone with college school work, mow lawns, teach a skill, or do handy work? You could advertise your services in the paper and make a few hundred dollars extra a month on weekends and evenings.
5. Start a small business. Whether you sell things online or help people with their taxes, a small business can bring in tens of thousands of dollars a year in your spare time.
6. Work overtime.
7. Get a temp job or an extra job. You can get hired today through an employment agency and work around your schedule.